The story of the mermaid and the snake

Stories/Novels Fairy Tales Educational Stories

 The story of the mermaid and the snake

 A kathuria used to cut wood everyday in a certain forest.  He is very poor.  He used to earn by selling wood daily to somehow eat and go on for days.  One day he went to a river to cut wood.  When he hit a tree with an ax, his hand slipped and the ax fell into the deep water.  Kharsrota river.  Apart from that, the fear of crocodiles was terrible.  So Kathuria became helpless and started crying at the base of that tree.

 He was so poor that he could not afford to buy another axe.  So what to do, sitting at the base of the tree, he began to think.  The more he thought, the more tears fell from his eyes.

 After a while like this, a mermaid suddenly stood up from the river and asked him, why are you crying?

 Kathuria said, I am very poor, my ax has fallen in the water, so I am crying.

The mermaid said, well, I will bring your ax, don't cry.  Saying this, the mermaid immediately dived into the river and brought out a golden ax, and asked, is it yours?

 Kathuria looked carefully and said, no.

 Immediately dived into the water again and brought a silver ax, the mermaid asked, but is it yours?

 This time also Kathuria specially checked and said, no, not even that.

 Then the nymph dived again and brought an iron ax and showed it to him.  Kathuria recognized his ax after so long and happily said, yes, this is mine.

 Jalpari was impressed by Kathuria's honesty.  He gave him back his own axe, in addition to a gold and silver ax, and disappeared into the water.

 After getting so much gold and silver, Kathuria's condition became quite good.  Because he got a lot of money by selling those two axes in the market, he started spending his days very happily and comfortably.

 Meanwhile, after hearing this story from his mouth, another Kathuria became very greedy.  One day, while quietly cutting trees by the river, he deliberately dropped his ax into the water.  Then sat there acting and started crying.  Hearing her cry, the mermaid appeared there again.  As before, this time he first picked up a golden ax and asked him, is it yours?

 The golden ax sparkled in the sunlight.  Seeing that, Kathuria's eyes sparkled with greed.  He immediately said, yes, that's mine.

 Immediately the mermaid dived there and went away and did not rise again.

 The greedy Kathuria began to wail and slapped himself on the forehead saying, Alas!  Alas!  Why did I go to lie, so I was punished!  Far from getting gold and silver axes, I lost the iron ax that I had.